
Daria Padenko’s live show will begin
on April 27, 2024 at 11 AM PST (2 PM EST)


WowPerson is the only live show platform where fans can touch their favorite stars and celebrities can monetize their audience.

Key features

Touch your Favorite Star!

WowPerson runs joint live streaming and rich conversations between celebrities and fans. Here you’ll have the opportunity to interact with your beloved stars by paying on stream to ask a question or have a short conversation, all done live!

Building Memories Together

Save your interaction with a star on a stream in a single click. After the show, you can share a video clip of your interaction with your beloved star to surprise your friends!

Upcoming Features

Digital Selfie Sessions

Celebrity Merchandise

WowPerson NFTs

Get Started Now!

It’s easy for fans to get started participating in celebrity's show on WowPerson!

Register Now

Prepare to Participate

Check out our list of celebrities, pay a minimum bid, and send in your question or topic.

Unforgettable Moments!

You can be picked by the celebrity and will be displayed on a joint stream.

Emotional Connections

Make genuine emotional connections with your favorite stars! The stories you write together are up to you!

Have questions? Check out FAQs for users to learn more about how WowPerson works.

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